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Sourdough Bread - 100% Whole Wheat, perfect for beginners!

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Welcome, friends, to Plate on a Budget's cozy kitchen, where we're stirring up the perfect blend of budget-friendly and homemade goodness.

Today, we're going to take you on a journey through the rustic art of sourdough bread-making. This isn't just any ordinary bread recipe – it's a time-honored tradition that will elevate your baking skills and impress your taste buds.

In this recipe, we'll guide you through the magic of mixing your dough until it's ready to rise to perfection overnight. Imagine the aroma of freshly baked bread filling your home as you drift off to sleep, eagerly anticipating the morning's delicious outcome.

Come morning, we'll share with you the secrets of shaping your dough just so, ensuring the perfect crispy crust and chewy texture. And with just a standard oven, no fancy equipment is required to achieve bakery-quality results. With a little creativity and a lot of love, you can make this sourdough bread recipe your own.

Join us as we take you through the rustic art of sourdough bread-making. Together, we'll create something truly special and nourishing for your body and soul. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog for more budget-friendly, artisanal recipes.

Click on the Play button and see how to make it!

And now read about the ingredients that you will need!

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